
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Lesson Two - Craftsmanship and Modern Organization

Enough of introduction... Lets get on to the Lesson...

What is Craftsmanship??

The craftsman focuses on the product, which he or she has invented or developed. He possesses a specific skill that originates from a trade or craft. Craftsmen tend to operate as sole traders or at least in small businesses. They are often characterized as loners.

What is Organization??

An organization is a social entity with a common goal and linked to a social environment. In a modern organization the focus is on deskilling the process so that a complex task is broken into small parts and these small parts can be done by any individual with no particular skills required. Therefore modern organization do not require any craftsman. Craftsmanship takes more time to complete a job. 
In modern organization as parallel work are performed so time is saved. The interdependency in the organisation is much more than craftsmanship where a single person do all the work independently.

3 E's of Excellence 

Businesses have a tendency to focus on one the 3 E's.

The 3 E’s of management which are required to be achieved by any organization are   –

      1)    Effectiveness
      2)    Efficiency
      3)    Excellence
  • Efficiency - Doing things as smoothly as possible, trying to eliminating processes and activities that do not add value to the product. It is measurable
  • Effectiveness - Doing things as perfect as possible, making sure the end result is what the customer wants. It is not quantifiable.
Efficiency plus effectiveness will tend towards a premium strategy, giving the customer a smooth delivery of what they want                                                                                                                          

We can relate Excellence with effectiveness and efficiency directly.

Excellence = Effectiveness x Efficiency

Effectiveness is doing the right things and Efficiency is doing the things in right manner